Through the creation of a robust University infrastructure, CBIS can provide an Economic Development Plan based on the target needs of any community in the areas of education, research, job creation, and drug development. CBIS has the ability to link University’s’ Programs as well as provide the framework for affordable and quality education. Job creation will be prevalent through University site creation and laboratory facilitates used for research and development. Research will be conducted on the Industrial Hemp Plant in areas such as Alternative Medicine focusing on clinical research of Cancer, HIV/AIDS, Autism, Parkinson’s Disease, Epilepsy, PTSD, Chronic Pain, and Arthritis, as well as Alternative Biofuel, Clothing, and Materials.
Currently CBIS, working with Free Spirt Organics Native American Corporation, HRM Farms, Raymond C. Dabney University (RCDU), and American States University’s (ASU) Department of Agriculture, have initiated a 250-Acre Industrial Hemp Project that allows for an all-inclusive Economic Development Plan in San Joaquin County. ASU and RCDU provide affordable and flexible education to the Native American community, and the city of Stockton. These Universities specialize in entrepreneurial and agricultural programs and offer many scholarship opportunities. ASU is home to 5 Departments and 37 Programs allowing for a rounded education model. Through ASU’s Department of Agriculture, cannabinoid drug research and development will take place in the key areas of Cancer, PTSD, Chronic Pain, Arthritis, Parkinson’s Disease, Epilepsy, Autism, and HIV/AIDS. Three target markets will be focused on drug development from here; FDA, over the counter, and state by state initiatives. A key area of this economic development plan is job creation, and CBIS has provided many jobs to the community from the University site creation and Hemp Farm cultivation. Furthermore, vertical integration allows for jobs to be provided through the development of local industrial hemp industry, healthcare infrastructure, water management, waste management, technology, communications, and housing. CBIS and its partners intend to pass on any business opportunities related to Hemp cultivation research and development to the citizens of San Joaquin County.
CBIS has recently entered a partnership to implement a phytomedicines initiative in South Africa. Specifically, Cannabis Science and Elpasso Farms will establish research, development, cultivation, testing, manufacturing, and production facilities on Elpasso’s site in South Africa. This collaboration also calls for the establishment of the Pan-African Agriculture and Commerce University (PAACU), in collaboration with Cannabis Science’s educational partner, American States University (ASU). PAACU will specialize in agriculture, medicine, law, and business programs, and will offer a variety of certificate courses and conduct formal research programs using a variety of cannabinoids from associated indigenous plants. PAACU will be responsible for seed incubation, growing, and cultivation of a variety indigenous plants including Cannabis and Hemp. The Elpasso Economic Development project will utilize the University platform to provide PAACU scholarships for educating local and regional residents in several different industries applicable to their area with a heavy focus on agriculture and farming. PAACU topics will be focused on general good farming practices and specialized crops, including topics on the many applicable uses of cannabis and industrial hemp agriculture. Farm assessments, depending on the demographic regulatory environment and the application, will allow the group to use large land mass deals for scale and recoupment costs. The Elpasso PAACU economic stimulus will target university scholarship education for locals, local area job creation, as well as a critical and palliative care drug development mix.